Waiting time shortened!

Share your questions about and experiences with adoption or surrogacy pregnancy alternatives.

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Waiting time shortened!

Postby Ivydragon » Jun 13, 2004 1:39 am

I just had to post. I figured I wouldn't be posting our adoption journey for a while yet, and I guess I'm wrong!

We'd been told that we'd have to be in Idaho for 6 months (we arrived like the 29th of April) before we could be on the waiting list to adopt through an agency here. Our local social worker thought that strange, as they accept out of state families for placement, and the news is good!

From what I can gather, they will go ahead and accept us on the list with our old homestudy, and update before our first six months are done. We'll just qualify as an out-of-state family until our renewal on our homestudy! From what I understand, we're looking at $100 to apply, and then $3,500 to become active on their waiting list. They keep 15 families on their list, all 15 families have a Dear Birthmom letter that I guess I need to get busy writing, and the birthmom chooses the family she wants for her baby. Most families wait less than 18 months, but there is not a guarantee, of course. Birthmoms can choose any family, regardless of how long or short they've been on the list!

We don't exactly have the money lying around, but do have $ owed us from a project we've been working on, so hope we'll be paid soon, and in full, so we'll be able to get on the list. I'm going to be looking at some other Dear Birthmom letters to get an idea of what others have done. We can pretty much make it however we want.

So, that is our update!

Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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Christian Adoption

Postby HdGAMom2B » Jun 13, 2004 6:55 am

HI! Congrats on the new open doors for you and your adoption! That's terrific! I wanted to tell you a little bit about our method of adopting.

We are registered with Christian Adoption, which is based out of Kansas (bets state for adoptions, and laws regarding adoptions)

CA works with Christian Couples, from all over the USand some are oversaes. It's a ministry, and a referral service, so there is no agency involvement. You would be adopting privately, independently. So there is no list. YOu are listed, with a profile on the internet, so birthmoms can see you, choose you, and contact you directly. You can have a lower financial burden becaue of this method. We are so happy to be working with CA, and have met some lovely friends. Take a look at our profile and see if you like the format.

http://www.christianadoption.com/sample ... hristy.htm

Chris and I have been with CA since Mothers Day 2003, and we matched with a birthmom just 9 months later, and had a great experience. Even though she chagned her mind in the end, taht was not because of CA. Everyone suported us through out thatj ourney, and we're back online believing God for a child. Everyone with CA, who stays with CA, stats say (dont get wrapped up in stats though) adopts a child. Most, within a year. There is a huge praying community, and God just delivers time and again.

There are some criteria to meet in order to be listed with CA. Feel free to browse the website.


Fees are $2,500 for a year. It's not a Facilitator, It's not an agency. It's a Christian Referral Service and Ministry on the Internet. The contacts and networking have led to hundred of placements over the years. People you odnt' know, are advocating for you , praying for you, and can/will present you to a birthmom.

Hope I dont get in trouble for talking about it, but I really feel that God is blessing this ministry, and we've seen so many miracles happen.

*We're pregnant!! 30 wks -due March 24th, 2005
*Failed adoption after 6 wonderful days (baby Claire Delaney, b. 5/6/04)
*'Therapeutic Termination' at 11 wks. due to mistreated HG in first pg, term. 6/15/99
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Postby Ivydragon » Jun 13, 2004 1:53 pm

I really like your profile. Gave us some good ideas. CA looks like a great supportive community - so important in adoption.

It'll cost us less than $8,000 total to adopt a baby born here through this agency - and that's leaving nearly $1,000 to cover last minute travel and miscellaneous expenses. We've heard of agencies that charge up to $20,000, so you really have to be certain that you have the right agency, lol.

We really like the one we've chosen. They work with the birthmoms a lot, counseling them extensively about their parenting choices - adoption, single parenting, marriage. I'm a huge birthmother rights advocate, so that was really important to me. The birthmoms have complete right over who they choose, and I like that, too.

Private adoptions can be inexpensive, or really expensive, based on where you are in comparison to the birthmom, and if you have to cover medical expenses, travel expenses, and not just anyone can handle a relinquishment. The laws of both states must be met, and sometimes that includes birthfather rights, too. It can all add up! I've known some private adoptions to be much more expensive than others - much higher than foreign adoptions, so you just have to go the way that feels right to lead you to the baby meant to be yours, and trust that the money will all work out.

Oh, why don't you go ahead and copy and paste your post in a new message thread. I think it'd be much easier to find in the long run for other gals considering adoption. I'd hate to have it lost under my message thread when it's a viable option that others should know about.

Hugs, Andy
Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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Postby MamaLily » Jun 13, 2004 10:47 pm

Andy -

:D I am so happy for you! What WONDERFUL news...you deserve it! Please keep me posted!

- Anna
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Postby RebeccaM » Jun 14, 2004 12:19 am

That's such great news Andy! How exciting to be getting that much closer to your adoption goal. I hope the good news just keeps coming and you have a baby soon.
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