Hormonally off-kilter

Including Post Partum Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & flashbacks.

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Hormonally off-kilter

Postby Katagillian » Jul 22, 2004 9:10 am


I've had hyperemesis three times in a six year period. After the last baby (born June, 2002) we made the decision not to have any more children. I thought that HG was over. Then I started having problems of another sort.

In November of last year I weaned my DD. After that I immediately started having problems with headaches, brain fog, and fatigue. My doctor said it was depression when I went to him this spring. I've been checked out thoroughly and there's no medical cause that they could find. I started having panic attacks and I felt like I was going crazy. Then we found out my symptoms were at their worst around my periods. We think this all might be because of PMDD - (kind of like PMS in the way that morning sickness is kind of like HG)

Or in other words, my hormones are way off kilter.

My question - has anyone else with a history of HG ever experienced this? I can't help but think I'm having these problems because of the hell I put my body through with those pregnancies. Either that or I am just going crazy after all.

Also, since my last pregnancy, I've had problems with IBS, and have become extremely sensitive to medications (if there's a side effect to a medicine I experience it) My doctor thinks I'm psychosomatic and a hypochondriac (but then this doctor always scoffed at my HG. I'm glad I had a good OB-GYN that understood what I was going through.)

Do any of you experience these sorts of health problems after HG?
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ibs, ppa, ppd, ptsd, and hg

Postby IslandDreamer » Jul 23, 2004 1:15 am


I am so sorry you are struggling with panic attacks. They are soooo awful.

You're not alone. Yep, I've had it all. Diagnosed with ibs in the early 90s, also when I learned I'm allergic to most antibiotics. Had postpartum anxiety after both pg, ppd after both, and major MAJOR panic attacks after my first. I'm with you. It's the hg. . .

A thought just hit: have you considered looking at the possibility of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that was caused by the hg. (Had that one too.) It could be part of the pmdd (is that the right acronym?). There is a link to some PTSD info on this site, and there is also a great site specific to PTSD and childbirth, www.tabs.org While your panic attacks may not be directly related to delivery, there is lots of helpful info. You may be experiencing triggers from the HG, and those triggers may be worse around your period and create the more difficult panic attacks.

Another good resource is www.depressionafterdelivery.com

I'm on Effexor (with my usual side effects filled response) until I get to the University of Michigan Depression Clinic this Monday. . .don't know which department they decided would work best for me since I have cross over symptoms, but I digress. Maybe you have such a research institution near you? I've found most doctors to be morons :roll: when it comes to women and panic or depression and would encourage you to seek a specialist who only works with and studies panic and anxiety, or something closely related.

Again, I wish you felt better. I remember only too well how awful those attacks are.
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Postby mommyC3 » Jul 23, 2004 9:11 am

I have three children and had problems after I stopped nursing my second. I nursed him almost three years and when I quit, so did my hormones. I just felt really low and couldn't get pulled back up. When your milk comes in (about three days after birth), that is when a lot of women have post partum blues/depression because your body is taking a hormone drop from all the progesterone that you have been on during your pregnancy. Then when you quit nursing, the same type of thing happens. My doctor tried to tell me that it could take up to 9 months for my body to level off. How encouraging, huh?!? I had a whole bunch of CBC done. My thyroid was low, but he told me it was a "normal" low?!?!?!? Check into some good supplements from a health food store, and exercise can help too. I know how frustrating it is.

I am 10 weeks pregnant (struggling with HG for a fourth time) and had to cut my daughter off from breastfeeding cold turkey. A friend of mine reminded me that I didn't have to worry about the hormone drop this time! :D
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new site

Postby IslandDreamer » Jul 29, 2004 2:36 am

Just learned of a new site:

Wonderful resource!!!
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Postby Libbee » Jul 30, 2004 11:24 pm

I too had severe depression after weaning my kids, I had expected it postpartum and that was fairly mild, but I had no idea it could happen when weaning. I too thought I was going crazy.

It was worst when I weaned my second daughter, it was done in less than a week when she was 9 months old. I could hardly function for several months until my body readjusted. It was a scarey time.

I got pregnant this time while I was still nursing my son, my third child. I began weaning him very slowly as soon as I learned of the pregnancy and so far have escaped the severe depression, I still had it, but MUCH milder than before.

I've often wondered if this had anything to do with HG, in how our bodies react to hormones....Hmmmm!

Just curious, did any of you ever use the DepoProvera shot and had severe reactions with depression and personality change? I did and had to quit using it due to these problems.
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depo shots

Postby IslandDreamer » Jul 30, 2004 11:56 pm

No depo shots but COULD not handle birth control pills at all.

I think HG is partly responsible for the severity of our ppd, being all depleted and messed up. But I think the ppd is another symptom, like hg, of a total hormone . . .can't think of the right word. . .problem.

Any other thoughts.
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Postby poppy » Nov 16, 2004 4:12 pm

hi, this is a little late, but i recently found this site. I could have written your post about the panic attacks! I had HG 3 times in the past 4 years adn after the last one, i had very severe panic attacks. they definitly got worse around my period. I was put on the pill to level off my hormones and I'm convinced it made the panic attacks worse. I also was put on zoloft that i also feel worsened the symptoms. After the last full blown panic attack, i quit all meds and i'm happy to say that i haven't had a panic attack since. I am convinced it was due to HG and a major hormonal imbalance that had to run its course. Its been about a year since HG, and although i feel much better, i have to admit, that i still don't feel great. i hope you're feeling better. I know how awful those panic attacks can be!

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