worried...blood clot in my uterus next to the egg sac

Moms with HG in their 1st trimester.

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worried...blood clot in my uterus next to the egg sac

Postby halgal427 » Jul 11, 2004 6:36 pm

hey all,
i am frustrated trying to find out some more info about blood clots that form in the uterus. i am 5 wks pg and i had a tiny bit of spotting on friday morning. i called dr and had a u/s that showed a tiny blood clot next to the egg sac. my dr said that it might cause a m/c or it might be reabsorbed into my blood stream...50/50 chance. a horrible wait an d see game. nice thing to add on to the fear of hg. i have only had one time where i had a tiny bit of blood streaked mucus on the tissue after using the bathroom and no bleeding since. the clot is small i guess and i am praying for a miricle. i had blood work done last week to see if my hormones were doing the right thing and they were great. they were supposed to double and went from 108 to 524. i woke up feeling really yucky this morning and the smell thing is begining to start. i'm actally praying i will start to feel sick as it is a good sign that the pg is progressing. i felt better after i ate but still smells are bothering me. i am 5 weeks and 5 days pg. this was a surprise and i have had a bad feeling about this pg from the begining. i want this baby more then anything now. i am hoping that this is just a way of this baby showing me how much i love it so when hg hits i will be able to make it through.

if anyone has any links to info on this condition, i would love it. thanks
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Postby Natalie » Jul 12, 2004 7:38 am

Hi Kim
Congratulatiosn on your new pg.
I did a wee bit of searching around on google found the forums at www.obgyn.net. A person called Hollie R. Kerr posted about this problem on 12 Dec. 2000. A couple of responses turned up on 13 Dec. '00 (one of which was an MD). I didn't check any further than that but they may be more reponses after that date.
The link is: http://forums.obgyn.net/pregnancy-birth ... /date.html
If you can't find it, let me know and I'll try again!
Hope it is of some help.
Best wishes.
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Postby halgal427 » Jul 12, 2004 1:30 pm

thanks natalie,
i did find a little on the link you posted. i gave my ob a call this morning and i'm waiting to hear back. i know he won't be able to tell the future but i just feel so helpless. i was going crazy trying to prepare for hg and now that has been pushed to the back burner. i focusing on keeping this pg. it makes me the most sad that if i m/c i will never have another chance. this was a surprise and dh wouldn't go for it. until i found out i was pg this time i was done having kids too...but now things have changed. well anyways, thanks again for the links,
edd 3-9-05
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Postby anna8660 » Jul 13, 2004 9:58 pm

Hi Kim,

I had the blood clot, started bleeding heavily around 7 weeks, I was pregnant with twins originally and miscarried one, Quinton was born from the placenta that contained the clot, it grew the whole pregnancy, but he grew faster and was born perfectly normal, my doctor thought it had stayed because of the extra sac, which I did deliver after Quin and the placenta, and it was this huge thing, scary, but everything was ok. On the U/S they see things very nonspecifically, it is a vauge picture, and they make assumptions on what is there,

I will pray for you that everything is ok,

By the way I bled until about 20 weeks on and off, and that is a scary thing but it all turned out good in the end


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