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Hi Andy

PostPosted: Jul 06, 2004 1:20 am
by Valerie Cruz
Unfortunately I don't have anyone this time around. My mom moved to Phoenix and my brother and sister in law can barely take care of their two and one year old. And my husband says I'm over doing this sickness. Believe me if I could make it go away I would.

PostPosted: Jul 09, 2004 3:28 pm
by Ivydragon
I'm sorry to hear you do not have an extensive support system. Sometimes paying for child care is neccessary to make sure that you and your child are both taken care of ok. Is that a possibility? Sometimes it simply isn't, and then it's best to try to set up an area where you know you can keep an eye on little ones and have drinks and snacks available at your fingertips to get you through the day.

How are you feeling now?


PostPosted: Jul 09, 2004 3:55 pm
by Valerie Cruz
Well, I'm actually feeling good, talked to Pamela about it, I was very concerned. I'm going to see a new doctor hopefully today. The nurse is trying to get me in. I just stopped having symptoms and I was worried ablut a miscarriage, but I was told I most likely have a UTI which is causing the mild cramps and the symptoms relieving, well she said it could be because of hormones lowering around this time. But she says I diffenately need to see the doctor to make sure everything is okay. Which is better info and they showed more concern than my old doctors office.

Thanks for asking,

PostPosted: Jul 09, 2004 4:01 pm
by Ivydragon
The new Drs. office sounds like a good move, especially if they are more caring! That makes a huge difference fo HGers. I hope you can get in soon! Let us know how things go.


PostPosted: Jul 10, 2004 11:57 am
by Valerie Cruz
I came home from the doctor and felt great for a while then the side affects of amoxicillin kicked in. I was told that it should go away during the treatment. And they did treat me good but it is a 45 minute drive. I want to find a doctor here in town that will deal with HG. The thing I don't like about Kaiser is that they want you to work whether you sick and losing weight or not. I work in a wharehouse and it gets about 5 to 10 degrees hotter inside, not only that. There is a lot of heavy equipment around all of the time. When I was pregnant with my second I was almost ran over because some guy didn't honk his horn before entering into another building section, which is a guideline. I was also on phenagran, I think that's how you spell it, and used to get so tired that I would have to go back and correct all of my mistakes before I left home. I used to feel so out of it. I do not want to go back feeling like this. I might have to just quit for now.


PostPosted: Jul 10, 2004 2:50 pm
by Ivydragon
I am sorry they think you should still be working. Sounds hazardous at best for an HGer on Phenergan! I hope that things will sort out for the best for you. I'm glad they treated you well, one less stress for a bit. I hope the amoxicillan's side effects will not last long. A good Dr. is worth the trip if you cannot find one closer.

Huge hugs, and try to rest when you can - and no doubt they told you to drink lots of liquids (hard to do w/ HG :roll: ).


PostPosted: Jul 11, 2004 3:29 am
by Valerie Cruz
Well, today, my husband and I had a talk about me going back to work. He said that I don't have to go back and that he'll get a second job, but I have to go back to school, full time. Which is good because I planned on going back full time and going to work part time, but I guess this past week has changed his mind. And he sees how one day of being totally sick wears me down. He's really helping now without saying that it's all in my head or putting me down. This morning I was still very nauseated from the medication but it started to go away this afternoon. I've gotten sick through out the day but the nausea has calm down so much. I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be even better.

As for the doctor issue I'm diffinately going to switch doctors I just don't want one that thinks it's okay to be operating around heavy machinary when I'm on something that makes me very drowsy. Also I want one that is well educated with HG. Because I plan on having another child in about 5+ years. And I want the best treatment now and later on.


PostPosted: Jul 11, 2004 9:07 am
by Ivydragon
I'm glad your husband is being much more supportive, and that you feel well enough to still be really proactive about your care. Many HGers get to the point where they just won't do anything more to try to feel better ~ just get to the point where they can survive it.

Hugs, Andy

PostPosted: Jul 12, 2004 5:40 pm
by Valerie Cruz
I was at a point where I wasn't thinking straight, now I realize it was because I wasn't eating and all I wanted was a professional to tell me I was going to be fine. Not only was I not thinking clearly, I wasn't educated on HG until I found this site, which I am so thankful for. The thing is, I wish I could educate everyone on HG. But I don't speak spanish or tagalog and the majority of people here are Hispanic or Phillipino. I wish I knew some one that could translate the pamphlet for both languages. Well back to the subject, I think alot of women just feel helpless because they can't think clear. I know that part is all in the mind, which I will usually pray and nurture my relationship with God and tell myself if I don't help myself no one else will. Which is basically true. I like to do things to better or help myself and other people, I feel some kind of accomplishment, even if it is something small.


PostPosted: Jul 13, 2004 3:16 pm
by RebeccaM
Hey, I really like your idea of translating the brochure to spanish. I am going to post something in the Publicizing HG folder about that. Glad your feeling better!

PostPosted: Jul 14, 2004 10:57 am
by Ivydragon
Phillipino, huh? So, you're talking about taking the current HG pamphlet from this site, and having it translated into different languages so that you can help educate others around you?

I might have a Phillipino connection through my sister - the grandfather of her twins is from the Phillipines, and may still speak the language.


PostPosted: Jul 14, 2004 12:26 pm
by Valerie Cruz
It would be nice and helpful for the people here. But I wouldn't take the pamphlet and just have it translated myself. If I knew someone that could translate I would get permission first, I don't want to get into any trouble. Did I let you know that the dr. said that there is a possibility that I could be caring twins. I would really need some kind of help through out the day.


PostPosted: Jul 14, 2004 3:51 pm
by Ivydragon
I'll be contacting Kimber about the idea of translations. I think the idea has a lot of merit.

No, I didn't know you might be carrying twins. When will you know for sure? How exciting, although very overwhelming!

Hugs, Andy

PostPosted: Jul 18, 2004 1:16 am
by Valerie Cruz

I hope the translation thing is going good. Well I've been pretty sick these past couple of days, but I go to the doctor tuesday. He should perscribe me something. As for another ultrasound, I'll probably find out tuesday when I'm going to have another one.


PostPosted: Jul 18, 2004 5:01 am
by cthmschler
As wonderful as it would be, don't get too excited about the possibility of twins unless your doctor is going on other evidence besides the HG. Having moved three times between or during pregnancies, my experience is that a new doc always chooses the possibility of twins as the primary probable reason for HG. Can't wait to hear the results of your next ultrasound, though!

Translating the Phamplet

PostPosted: Jul 19, 2004 9:49 am
by kmwilson
I too believe translating the phamplet could help many more people in need. I live in the Dallas, Texas area and have too wondered how many people suffer HG that don't speak English.

My 4 year old daughter attends a Spanish immersion preschool, and I've been taking Spanish for years. If you need help in translating it into Spanish, let me know.

I have many contacts between my own Spanish vocabulary knowledge, my daughter's entire school of teachers, as well as my Spanish professors.

This would be a great thing for the Latino population to have.


PostPosted: Jul 22, 2004 1:17 am
by Valerie Cruz
I still don't know when I am going to have another ultrasound but I will let you know. The reason the doctor said there was a possibility of twins was because of the measurement he had taken (did I spell that right). That was the reason for the first ultrasound, he didn't do the one that they place on top of your stomach, he did the more uncomfortable kind. He measured the baby on the ultrasound and said the baby was 11 wks at the time. But he looked confused, he was sure I was farther along because of the first measurement. If I find out that there is twins I think I would be horrified. How would I do it? My second baby will barely be a year when the other/s is born. And I'm only 24, I'll be 25 when the other is born, but that is still young to have four children. From my mothers' brothers and sisters, there are 11 of them, one had a set of twins, they are 29, and another had a set that were aborted. So far none of the grandchilren have had any. I don't know if it makes a difference in ages either. The oldest of them is almost eighty and the youngest is forty. The oldest grandchild is in their forties and the youngest is going to be 8. I know they say that the genes skip generations but what is considered a new generation, the children from the grandchildren? I don't want twins! Now one of my grandmothers' sisters had two sets. From both sets one died. One was diagnosed with AIDS in his thirties and past a couple of years later, the other is fine, that I know of. The other set, one died at birth. My grandmothers' other sister has a daughter that has a set, they are 28, so far I don't think they have children. I haven't seen them in a couple of years. But they were the reason their mother decided not to have any more. :) I want more, just later on in life, like when I'm 30.

As for the fruits and dairy products those were just summer foods I grew up with. Almost all of my family worked in a packing house or helped pick the fruits. The dairy products are something that are also rich in flavor and I miss those things. :cry:


Young Mother

PostPosted: Jul 22, 2004 8:40 am
by kmwilson
Wow Valerie, just think though. You'll only be in your fifties after haven raised four children. That's amazing.

My brother and sister-in-law had my nephew a few months after graduation high school. For the longest time I felt kind of sorry for them, because life was hard for a while.

However, now they're 34 and their son is going to be 15 this year. Because they are younger, its easier to keep up with all his activities etc. Plus, when they have an empty next, they will still be young.

There is something said for that! I know I don't have any experience with what you're going through right now, but please keep faith that all will work out. You can handle twins, shoot you were young when you did this all the first time.

Take care

PostPosted: Jul 22, 2004 6:39 pm
by Valerie Cruz
:) I had just turned 18 when I found out I was pregnant and my mom was 38. It had to do alot with her wanting a child and I didn't want her to. Well not with the man she was married to at least. He has babies everywhere with everyone, making some of them during the time that he was with my mom. I felt it was the only way, it stopped her. :D But put a whole lot of pressure on me, having HG and then there were other problems. I was already out of high school but my uncles had such high expectation of me and I let them down. It took awhile for them to come around but once the baby was born she changed every thing. They loved her. No one says anything about being young, they pretty much trust my decision making. A whole lot of others never even graduated or attempted to go to college or work. They just start having babies, at very young ages and keep having them or just never try to do better. I the one that is pretty much different from all the other grand children and I always have my uncles and aunts telling my mom that they are so proud of me. So that makes me feel good. When I see them they always tell the same and that they love me. I do believe that I was to have twins they would help financially, but they are all hard workers so I don't think they'ld do any babysitting. Besides my mom is supposed to move back so that alone makes me feel better.


Glad to hear you have some support

PostPosted: Jul 22, 2004 10:24 pm
by kmwilson
I'm glad to hear you have some support. I'm proud of my sister-in-law b/c she had a better paying job with travel experience etc. than my brother. And my parents thought she was holding him back when they had my nephew.

His fly is the one that was unzipped, so I never felt it was her fault. Fortunately, my parents now see that my brother is happy, responsible for his family, and never was the college type anyway.

It seems that things work out for reasons. My sister-in-law's brother was killed in a car crash several years ago. He had two very young daughters. So the fact that my brother and sister-in-law only had one boy, they've been delighted to help care for their nieces.

The funny thing is that somebody that we all were afraid was going to have a hard life (my brother for marrying young). He is very content with his lot and lives a great life. Boy his house is always cleaner than mine too and he works outside the house. tee hee

One thing that I found is cheap but responsible enough help, is to hire neighborhood teenagers even younger. I'd never hire them for babysitting while I'm out of the house. However, if I didn't feel well during a pregnancy or needed to get errands done faster. I'd have one of the neighbor's kids tag along with us. That kept my kids entertained and interested to have company.