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98-99% effective

PostPosted: Aug 16, 2006 3:14 pm
by tlm5999
Anybody that is interested in being less scared? Natural Family Planning is 98-99% effective in preventing pregnancy. It's better than a condom. And you know what your body is doing without all of the chemicals. It is really easy to learn and follow. Best of all if on the extreme off chances you do want another child you can still have one. It works while Breastfeeding and during premenopause. With regular and irregular cycles. It is Not the old rhythm method. Even if you don't use it, you will know more about how your body works. Did you know you can know when you ovulate to within 48hrs? What about that pregnancy can only occur in a maximum of an 8 day window in your cycle? That takes into account that 48 hr discrepency? If anyone is interested I can try and find an instructor in your area. If I can't find one for you I am an instructor and fellow HGer as well.

PostPosted: Aug 16, 2006 8:32 pm
by nomore
I used this method for about a year before we TTC my 1st. The pill was not agreeing at all with me... we were sick of condoms, and didnt want anything else more permanaent or hormonal related. It was great. However, having had severe HG, and severe pre-e, it just doesnt seem safe enough for me long term now that our pregnancy days need to be over. :)

PostPosted: Aug 17, 2006 9:42 am
by BrandiJK
Not thatit matters no, Dh got fixed, but I looked into this method. If your periods are too all over the place, it is not recommended (I had a 30-65 day cycle, too much variance).

Hope this works for lots of people though! I know that many of us can't handle the chemicals :(

PostPosted: Aug 17, 2006 4:20 pm
by PamelaRose
I was the same, Brandi - I had anywhere from 45-90-120 day cycles back when we were ttc our first, and NFP wasn't an option. But it would be a great choice for someone who is more regular and who isn't comfortable with birth control or sterilization.

PostPosted: Aug 17, 2006 8:09 pm
by tlm5999
The method that I teach works even with irregular cycles even hiighly irregular. I'm usually 32-60 days, but while BFing it was 17mos after delivery then another 70 days. We then TTC and achieved the first month. It even works through premenopause when it can be many months between cycles.

PostPosted: Aug 18, 2006 12:51 am
by IslandDreamer
I'm sure there will be gals who want to know more as they see this thread.

PostPosted: Sep 17, 2006 6:09 pm
by JulieinMinn
Hi Tracy!

My husband and I just started our NFP class this month. We have had 6HG pregnancies, have tried condoms this last year (we are 16mo pp) and let's just say they stink. Our whole intimate life has stunk this year. Personally, I am TERRIFIED to be pregnant again, although the ofshoot of having one more DOES enter my mind, I really don't think the way I feel now, it will be an option.

I guess I do have a big theological question as I go through our homework (we are on class 1 homework), I am not Catholic, but am a believer and a Bible reader, are you able to take a question regarding NFP in this realm?

Julie :o)

PostPosted: Sep 19, 2006 2:01 pm
by mrsbigdog
We're using NFP now. Actually we were using it in the past but never took the class - I just read up on my own. Anyway, it worked great for ten years. The failure resulting in our "surprise" was really the result of us doing something we shouldn't have been doing at a bad time. I have now been taking the classes since early summer and am impressed with the knowledge and scientific data this program includes. It does work well as long as you follow the instructions.


PostPosted: Sep 20, 2006 10:52 pm
by tlm5999
I pmed you about your question to let you know that I would try to answer it, whatever it may be and I didn't here anything back from you. Did you find and answer? I'd still be interested in hearing the question.

PostPosted: Sep 21, 2006 7:35 am
by JulieinMinn
Hi Tracy,

No, I haven't gotten back to you yet! I have not had much email time since I mailed you. I'll go back this morning and reply to your message. Thanks for picking this up!

Julie :o)