New Girl in MD

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New Girl in MD

Postby HdGAMom2B » May 30, 2004 6:15 am

Good Morning! My name is Christy, and I am preparing for a new journey. After a devastating experience with HG, where we terminated our pregnancy after 11 weeks in June 1999, we are again pursuing a pregnancy. It was a very difficult decision to come to, but we are trusting God to protect us, and get me through it.

We are also open to adoption, and have had a profile on for a while now. We just recently had a daughter, but the birthmother changed her mind, and took her back after 6 days. We have been through a very difficult time, and have arrived at our first choice for parenthood, pregnancy. While we are open to either bethod for parenthood, we'd sure like a baby of our own (biological). So, I want to get soem support, meet others who've been there, and lived.

And see if I can prepare for what I call the battle. HG was very hard for me back then, and my doctors didn't seem to know what the heck they wre doing, convinced I was just over-reatcing at the time. Well, my 'over-raeaction' led me to a DNC, because I was having kidney problems, lost so muc weight, had a depression, and was isolated form the world.

I didn't imagine it, and I'm praying that I can make it through again. I understand that many times the baby is fine, so wer'e putting our faith and trust in God that this time, we'll be fine. Hope to meet some wonderful new friends and receive lots of love and support this time around.

Love, Christy
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Postby jenniz » May 30, 2004 9:18 am

Hi Christy,

What an awful decision to have to make. I'm so sorry that you have already lost one angel to this. Well, as you know, this is most definitely NOT in your head...HG is very real, very painful and affects us profoundly.

My "preparation" for this HG pregnancy was positive thinking. (LOL...a joke- I "positively" thought that I would NEVER be so sick again!) I did come into this pregnancy somewhat prepared to be sick, but figured I wouldn't be. WRONG! So, I am now 35 weeks (YAY!!!) and VERY ready to have this baby!

I am so glad you've found this message board. The women are nothing short of amazing. These women are true heroes! Phenomenal stories of strength...Welcome!!!
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Welcome, Christy!

Postby PamelaRose » May 30, 2004 10:58 am

I'm so glad you found us! You will gain a wealth of information from this site, and it will help get you to your goal of a baby. I found the HuGS site right before my last pregnancy, and although HG was at its worst for me, I coped sooooo much better just knowing I had other women going through it with me and backing me up.

I'm so sorry about your losses--you've been through so much. Hopefully, being proactive and having a good protocol in place will save you from some of the complications that led to your decision last time around. If you hop to the Protocols folder, you can find out about some of the preparation techniques people have employed. Weight management, liver detox, and B6/vitamin doses are the common physical ones, but there are a host of everyday life issues to consider that will make things so much easier for you when HG does hit. You did not imagine it, but with the right care and support you can make it through. Good luck to you - when do you plan ttc?

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Postby Ivydragon » May 30, 2004 2:09 pm

Welcome! We've adopted - we were foster parents through the state (in Utah), and our son was placed with us for a year before we were able to adopt him. At any point his birthmother could have chosen to work hard enough to get him back, and in the end just never did enough. So, I understand that you are suffering from the loss of two children, and I too, considered another HG pg rather than go through that trauma again (and we adopted!). After an ectopic miscarriage, we're back on the adoption path, and very peaceful about that, but I so understand how you might feel.

We have a lot of experience walking HGers through preparing a protocol to face HG again. Go ahead and post in the Preparing Protocols forum, and tell me all about what was tried in your last HG. Any meds you were on, whether or not they worked, IVs, etc. It'd be helpful to know how far you were along when HG set in and how severe it was, what you were able to eat, and how many times you were throwing up.

I know that it may be difficult to go back and remember those details, but HGers tend to repeat the same pattern in their pgs. There's a good chance that with proactive planning you can prevent the worst extreme from being quite so bad, be educated with options, and prevent it from setting in so extreme so soon - but the best predictor of your next pg will be your last pg, so it's information I will have to know to help you prepare, and I apologize for the emotional upheaval that I'm asking you to endure to provide that.

There are many protocols that will be helpful for you to look over, and they are at the old website. I have on my list to do bringing those over for women to compare and contrast, but need a bit more time in order to do so, just know that there are options, and that in short order you'll know what they are, and make yourself comfortable in the mean time!

Huge hugs for the courage to try this again. We all know it's not an easy path - it's so worth it, though.

Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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Postby MamaLily » May 30, 2004 9:23 pm

Christy -

I'm so sorry to hear of the heartaches that you have experienced as you try to have a child. You are amazing to try again - and I know that you can make it through! This forum is so wonderful and I know that it will change your pregnancy experience and your life.

I recently prepared a protocol myself and so I'd be happy to help you if I can. Almost all of my ideas came from the women in this forum. We can discuss it in the "Protocol" folder/forum.

Good luck to you and welcome!

- Anna
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Warm Welcome!

Postby HdGAMom2B » May 31, 2004 12:44 pm

Good Afternoon and Happy Memorial Day to you All!

I wanted first to thank you so much for the warm and supportive welcome I'm receiving here. It is so encouraging to see that there are friends here who are truly interested in helping us get through a new pregnancy, and will give us metohds/techniques that WORK, to prepare for HG, should it return (i'm betting it will, just in case)

I will go to Protocol, and let you know what I remember from my last pregnancy, so I'll hopefully see you all there!

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