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bad day

PostPosted: Jul 12, 2004 8:41 am
by stephj
Bad day! Saterday i finally talked my husband into taking me to the ER since my hospital couldnt get me a sooner appointment. they did everything that i was told to expect..... iv because i was dehydrated...and gave me medication. but told me this was all part of a "normal pregnancy". everyone there would ask me how many pregnancies i had and once i said this is my first they just nodded like "oh thats why". i just feel like i was over looked because this was my first pregnancy and its a military hospital. but on a good note the medication they gave me does not work 100 % but it has lessened my sickness. i am just so sick of everyone ignoring me. even my husband thinks its all in my head yet he sees me vomitting and tells me i look "green" yet he complains about the fact i dont cook and i dont clean like i use to. i'm thinking about just going to stay with my mother for awhile. i just feel so cheated out of the whole "normal pregnancy". i was so excited to find out i was pregnant now i wish we would have waited.

PostPosted: Jul 12, 2004 1:38 pm
by MamaLily
Stephj -

I'm sorry to hear about your bad day! HG is so hard and I'm sorry that you have to deal with it. It makes it worse when you don't have the understanding you need - or the medical help you need.

Have you tried any over-the-counter meds to fight nausea? Unisom/B6, benadryl, meclizine, etc. all are used by HGers.

I know it's hard to make it through, but it is all worth it in the end. When I was so sick, everyone said, "It's worth it." And even though I was very excited to have a baby, I sometimes doubted that my baby would be worth it. But now I have no doubt in my mind - I would go through all of that suffering in a heartbeat for my daughter. She was worth every single minute of it. I know you can make it, and the reward will be more wonderful than you can even imagine!

Hang in there...we're all here for you!

- Anna

PostPosted: Jul 12, 2004 9:18 pm
by PamelaRose
Hugs to you, Sweetie! I'm so happy you finally got some fluid, but I'm sorry your suffering is being dismissed. It is absolutely par for the course to hear repeatedly that you're so sick this time because it's a first baby, that it can't possibly happen again, etc. And they're all wrong. HG is NOT morning sickness. Morning sickness IS worse with the first baby, but HG is not that giving. But winning that argument is not going to help you now; just focus on getting this baby here and worry about fighting the HG vs. moring sickness battle once the worst of it is over.

Did they send you home from the ER with any meds? If so, let us know what and how much. If not, expect to be making a return trip in a week, give or take. As for the husband, he probably does not understand what is going on. My husband never actually understood how abnormal my pregnancies were; to him, HG was just a part of pregnancy and something to be pushed through. I knew better after a lifetime of watching other women go through pregnancies, but men just don't seem to pay attention to that sort of thing! Please print off information from the HER site and hand it out to your husband, friends, hospital staff, whoever seems confused. And let me know where you are - I may have a volunteer in your area who can get in touch and paint your husband a clearer picture.