Not that new but here's my story...

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Not that new but here's my story...

Postby Natalie » Jun 04, 2004 7:16 pm

Sorry but this does go on a wee bit...

I found out I was expecting at the beginning of February last year. We had been married for just over 2 years, and although we weren’t trying for children, we were in the early planning stages of ttc. We were both very excited to find out we were expecting already.
For those first few weeks, I remember privately being very pleased with myself that I didn’t have morning sickness – lol. Then HG hit. Beginning with mild nausea and vomiting in the mornings, by the next week it had escalated. I distinctly remember it was a Thursday night. The nausea was becoming increasingly difficult to tolerate and by the morning I had lost count of how many times I had vomited. I called in sick the next day. That weekend, it just got worse and worse. I clock watched. I vomited every couple of hours, then hourly, then half hourly, then 15 minutes, then 10 minutes… I couldn’t move, I couldn’t eat or drink, I couldn’t stand the telly or radio being on. I hated lights. I couldn’t even stand having anyone in my personal space, not even my husband. All I could do was lie in bed and feel exhausted and dreadful. It was horrific - but hey! You all know ‘cause you’ve been there or you’re there right now.
By Monday, I called in sick again and went to my GP. Praise the Lord, he diagnosed me immediately and gave me 2 weeks off work. While writing out the prescription, he said it probably wouldn’t be sufficient but that The HG would probably be gone by 12 weeks. Uh – huh.
The smell of our flat made me more nauseous so my mother drove to London from Bristol to fetch me and take me back to live with her and my father. It was the first of many, many trips up and down the motorway with pink bucket (my faithful companion) at my feet. I had to leave my husband in London (who was studying) which was awful because we had never spent even a night apart since we had got married. I tried to return a couple of times, but as soon as I went back, the vomiting would be much, much worse. I stood on the scales and had gone from 133lbs to 117lbs in a matter of weeks.
After another failed attempt to return home, I went back to the doctor. She said if I didn’t keep any fluids down in the next few hours I would be off to the hospital. It would have been a particularly grotty hospital near to where we lived. I knew I would be even sicker in there so my mum (bless her) fetched me yet again and took me back to Bristol so she could look after me. The doc. also gave me a prescription for Stemitil supps. They worked! Fluids stayed down and no IV for me. Hallelujah! It lasted for only 10 days but it was all I needed. I also got signed off for a couple more weeks.
I finally felt that my HG was beginning to subside when I found out that I had lost my job as a result of being off so much with the HG and pregnancy. The stress just sent my HG right back to square one. My temporary GP just signed me off for the rest of the time I would have worked there so I never had to go back. He was fabulous. I felt so angry that they had treated me this way. It was totally unjustified – and I work in the good old NHS! And it was a woman with children who fired me. And she knew by firing me I wouldn’t qualify for maternity pay. Grrrrrrrrrr.
At week 20, we moved to Bristol. That was the last time I was physically sick. It was just yet another stressor that I could have done without. At least I would be with my hubby again, who I had been living apart from for 2 and a half months. Bliss.
At week 24 I was able to go back to work full time (at another hospital) until the end of week 35.
I did get nausea again in my 3rd tri. But on the whole, I was better.
On 17.10.03 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She is called Liesbet ‘Beth’ Eloise Jasmine and she weighed a fighting fit 8lbs 6 oz.

I am aware that there are people out there who have, or who have had, HG far, far worse than mine – and I thought I had a hard time of it! All I can say is respect to you ladies!

If you have managed to get to the end of this essay, I thank you for taking the time to read it! :D
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Postby mandy » Jun 05, 2004 5:35 am

Hi Natalie,

I too am from Bristol but my GP was not as good as yours. I only heard the word 'hyperemesis' weeks after being ill and on drugs. I don't think stemetil worked for me, I didn't feel any improvements. I did have iv's for a week in hospital and then spent my whole life looking at a litre bottle of weak vimto willing myself to get through one a day to keep me away from hospital (didn't ever manage it). Not much food stayed down though until week 15+. I must have lost about a stone to a stone and a half although I couldn't find the energy to weigh myself after a while. I finally started to improve at around week 20 like you.

I've done it twice and that's my lot. Whether its mild or severe, hg is just awful. People moan at a three day stomach bug, we endure worse for weeks on end, even if you don't have the most severe hg.

Congratulaions on your little girl.
Best wishes, Mandy
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Postby PamelaRose » Jun 05, 2004 3:30 pm

Bless your mother for all her great care! I love to hear stories like that. :) How maddening that you were let go from NHS for a temporary health condition! Unfortunately, HGers are fired all the time for their illness. Absolutely not fair. Thanks for sharing your story, and I look forward to hearing more from you on the boards. Are you interested in buddying with other UK HGers who need support?

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Postby Ivydragon » Jun 10, 2004 10:34 am

I am so excited to see more UK HGers! I've known a few through HuGS, but most have not been able to stay around for long, busy lives and all. :)

We have a forum for HGers outside the U.S. because we know that drugs and health systems and available foods can be different, and you guys can get to know each other better there. Of course you can read and respond anywhere!

Halleluah for fantastic Moms!

Hugs, Andy
Mom to Aaron 14 (HG), Anna 11 (HG), Adam 8 (adopted), Andrew 8 (adopted), fostering a newborn . . .
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