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If HG continued past mid-pregnancy, did you experience complications during delivery related to your poor health such as a strained ligaments/joints, pelvic floor damage, prolonged or weak pushing, fainting, low blood pressure, low pain tolerance, forceps/assisted delivery, broken bones, nerve damage, low amniotic fluid, fetal problems due to difficult delivery, etc.?


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What to Expect When Hospitalized

You may encounter the following procedures and equipment during your stay in a hospital:

  • Taking Vital Signs:
    These include your temperature, blood pressure, pulse (counting your heartbeats), and respirations (counting your breaths). A stethoscope is used to listen to your heart and lungs. Your blood pressure is taken by wrapping a cuff around your arm.
  • IV:
    A tube placed in your vein for giving medicine or liquids. It will be capped or have tubing connected to it.
  • ECG:
    Also called a heart monitor, an electrocardiograph (e-lec-tro-CAR-dee-o-graf), or EKG. The patches on your chest are hooked up to a TV-type screen or a small portable box (telemetry unit). This screen shows a tracing of each heartbeat. Your heart will be watched for signs of injury or damage resulting from your illness.
  • Blood:
    Usually taken from a vein in your hand or from the bend in your elbow. Tests will be done on your blood.
  • Medicines:
    You may get medicines by shot, in your IV, or in your rectum as a suppository.
  • Monitoring the Baby's Heartbeat:
    If it is late in your pregnancy, you will have a loose-fitting belt strapped around your abdomen. The belt secures a patch which is attached to a machine with a TV-type screen. This screen shows a tracing of your baby's heartbeat.

    Your baby's heartbeat may be monitored all the time during the early part of your hospital stay. As you improve, a tracing may be taken several times a day.

  • Urine Tests:
    You will be asked to urinate in a container. Hospital personnel will measure and test your urine to make sure you are getting enough liquids. Do not throw away your urine unless your nurses have given the okay.
  • Other Tests:
    You may have tests of your liver, kidney, pancreas, and bowels to find reasons for the vomiting.
  • Weight:
    You will be weighed daily to see if there have been any changes.
  • Food:
    Until your vomiting stops, you will not be given any meals. Instead, you will receive food and vitamins through your IV. You can slowly begin to drink and eat small amounts of food when your vomiting has stopped.
  • Emotions:
    Try to relax and avoid stress. Talking to your doctor or someone close to you may be helpful.

Updated on: Sep. 15, 2022

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