Theo's birth story

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Theo's birth story

Postby Natalie » Feb 03, 2006 7:46 pm

Ok, where to start (I apologise in advance if this turns out to be very long)...

So Sun. 22.01.06 in the morning I started having contractions every 10 mins and I could see my bump had dropped. I thought this might be 'it' so I called my doula friend Sarah and another friend and they came over in the afternoon and we all went for a walk to try and get things going but by the evening, nothing. Just total exhaustion. I was not happy about that at all. Then all of Mon. and Tues. the nausea was just dreadful. I was on the verge of hitting the Reglan again because it was just so grim.

Wednesday, I woke up at 9am (having been up 5 times in the night with Bethy) to take Bethy to a toddler group and I was getting strong pains across my cervix. I timed them at a minimum of 30 secs and coming every 5 mins. Dh wanted to call the mw and Sarah but I said he couldn't yet because I wasn't sure they were contractions. I had a very painful back labour and an epidural with Bethy so I didn't know what 'normal' contractions were supposed to feel like. Anyway, at 9.30 I was stumbling around the flat begging dh to take Bethy to my parents!! He overruled me (naughty man) and called the mw. He told her that I was saying that I didn't think it was labour and she said she'd skip her clinic because when women say it isn't L & D then it usually is - she was right :roll:

So mw arrived at 10am and checked me and I am already 4cm :) I asked if I was defo. in labour and she said yes -YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :D :D :D It took me 16 odd hours to get to 3cm with Bethy so I was thrilled to bits to get to 4cm with hardly any pain. Then Sarah arrived and we put on my TENS machine which worked well for a little bit. I was also bouncing around on my brithing ball and doing breathing etc... to cope with the pain

After a while the TENS wasn't cutting it so I asked the mw what else had to offer for pain relief. I already knew she only had gas and air which is what she said but then she said she only had a limited supply and would have to call out the second mw on call to get an extra cannister. I was not sure I wanted to start the gas and air just yet so I carried on until I just couldn't take the pain anymore. I asked the mw to check me and she said I was about 6cm so I hit the g & a thinking I only had 4cm to go 'til I start to push. Last time with Bethy, g & a did absolutely nothing for me at all. This time, it was much, much better. I coped by counting up to 15 having a major puff on the mouthpiece for each number. Sarah was working the TENS machine for me and Andy was sorting out food and drink for the mw, going through my list of 'things to do' plus helping me with labour positions. I think it was at this point we put on Frank Sinatra and I start dancing between contractions to New York, New York and Fly me to the moon :P I was trying to get the head right down (I wanted an birth that was as active as possible). Then the g & a ran out :shock: Luckily, I didn't have to wait too long til the second mw arrived with another cannister

I then started to get quite painful back labour so I take the TENS off and get in the bath. I lasted 2 contractions and it didn't help at all. I asked the mw to check me again which she did at about 2.30pm. I had been having strong contractions lasting at least 1-2 mins every 2 mins for about 90 mins and when she checked me she told me I was 7cm dilated. She said I had stalled a bit, I still have had no show and no SRM. She gave me a choice: I can go to hospital for more pain relief (over my dead body), I can carry on and hope that the waters will go or she can rupture my waters to get things moving again. I go for the latter knowing Sarah (my doula) had got stuck at 6cm in her home birth, had a SRM performed and her baby was out in 20 mins.

So the mw broke my waters and they just gushed everywhere. I got the most ALMIGHTY contraction; all I could do was roll off the sofa onto the floor. I was on my knees clutching a cushion on the sofa seat and that was basically where I stayed until Theo was born. I became aware that during stage 2 when he was crowing, the mws and Sarah were telling me to push him out with pretty urgent voices so I went at it as hard as I could. He came out blue/grey and floppy. The mw gots him going again with a bit of O2 and his APGAR ratings are 7, 9 and 10 :D It was only later that I found out his cord was wrapped so tightly around his neck it had cut off his oxygen supply so they had to cut the cord while he was still in me :shock: There is a pretty big risk of stillbirth if the baby doesn't come out quickly after that so that was why they started getting all urgent on me :?

So then I had the Syntometrine injection to get the placenta to come out more quickly but it didn't come. I tried sitting on the loo, bf'ing Theo, pushing it out but nothing. Evenutally the cord came away with a nodule of placenta attached but no placenta. Neither of the mws had seen such a thing before. Anyway, my bleeding starts getting worse and more and more heavy so they call an ambulance. The ambulance arrived and I got stretchered off to hospital. We had the sirens going, blue lights flashing and everything :shock: By this time it was about 4.30pm and right in the middle of rush hour. The ambulance lady said that even though it wasn't an emergency at that moment, if they waited in the traffic, it would have been by the time we reached hospital. They whisked me straight into theatre and gave me a spinal block, catheterised me and I then had the placenta manually removed which all in all took a couple of hours. The Dr. showed it to me afterwards and said it would never have come out on its own. It was well and truly stuck to the uterus wall. It was raggedy and piecemeal and a right 'dog's dinner' (her words, not mine lol). She kept thinking she had got it all out, the uterus would start to contract back down but then the bleeding would start again really heavily and she was having difficulty getting her hand in to locate where the bleeding was coming from. Anyway, she finally thought she had it all out so she stitched me up and I went off to recovery.

So that's pretty much it.

Why is it that so many of the HG women don't have an easy or 'normal' L & D?? Something always seems to go pearshaped what with Katie's heart decels and Robin's high BP, Amber's low BP, Laura's placental abruption and all the others I could name...

Theo's stats:

D.o.b: 25.01.06
Time: 3.12pm
Weight: 8lbs 8oz (not 8lbs 7oz - my dh thought there were 14 oz in a lb so when the mw said 8 and a half pounds he came and told me he was 8lbs 7 oz :roll: )
Length: 57cm

I have spent literally hours and hours this evening trying to get some photos on here and I just can't figure it out :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Love Natalie, x
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Postby Atsie » Feb 03, 2006 8:04 pm

You are a truley an amazaing woman. That is an awesome story. I am so glad you had such wonderful care. Theo is a big boy.
If you wanted you could email me the pics and I can try to upload them, I don't have a newborn!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing!
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Postby SkunkPaw » Feb 03, 2006 8:40 pm

WOW A home birth... I couldn't do that if I tried really hard. The pain was just way to intense for me @ the hosptial. I am glad that everything is ok now and that you have your little one there. It does make it worth it once we see them.

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Postby Kadinga » Feb 03, 2006 11:11 pm

Wow Natalie, what a story!

You've done a wonderful job bringing Theo into the world in his own home. Congratulations!

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Postby rjdecker » Feb 03, 2006 11:42 pm


Michael had his cord wrapped around his neck. There have been a few lately with that problem. My doc told me it isn't really as uncommon as people think it is. I had a section because Mike was in stress at that point, but I would have had one anyway. Glad you got your homebirth. That is an incredible story!

Thanks so much for sharing!


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Postby BrandiJK » Feb 04, 2006 12:28 am

Wow! Rock on strong woman!!
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Postby Mom to Aidan & Daniel » Feb 04, 2006 2:40 am

WOW!! Amazing story! I just can't wait to see pics of your little man! I hope you're resting up and feeling stronger every day.
There should be a rule that those who go through HG then get easy L&D's/C-section experiences!!! ARGH!

Hugs and congrats again
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Postby Trudy » Feb 04, 2006 12:43 pm

Wow, I think anyone who has a home birth is pretty strong and brave. I was too scared to even try with Beth. But as it turns out I can only deliver by c-sections. Sorry you still ended up in hospital though. I'm so glad Theo is here safe an sound.


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Postby Proudmama » Feb 04, 2006 5:26 pm

Wow, what a birth story. I am so glad that you and Theo are well. It is wonderful that you had the home birth you were hoping for even though you still ended up in the hospital. Enjoy your new little man.

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Postby madcow » Feb 05, 2006 7:36 am


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Postby carla » Feb 05, 2006 4:05 pm

All I can say is WOW!! YOu are amazing!
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Postby nomore » Feb 05, 2006 4:36 pm


You did an awesome job!!!!! A home birth! Im so happy you were able to do it!!!! Im sorry it got so scary at the end with the cord and also with the plancenta and your hospital trip. But, Im glad Theo is doing so well. A good sized boy you grew there :)

Also- your right, we have had some more complicated delvieries lately. :( Madisons for me was much less stressful, although also an induction due to my blood pressure.

Welcome to the world Theo!!!! How is Bethy adjusting??????? And, how is Mommy feeling?
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Postby blessedw4 » Feb 05, 2006 4:51 pm


You go girl!!!! I would love to have my baby at home but dh refuses especially with everything going on with this pregnancy. I'm glad you and Theo are doing well.
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Postby Jolene » Feb 05, 2006 5:22 pm

Awesome birth story!!! I am so glad you were able to have Theo at home. I love that name by the way. Can I ask...what is a tens machine exactly? I have heard about them, but don't know what it is.
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Postby alfiehenry » Feb 06, 2006 3:22 pm

WOWSERS, natalie! what an AMAZINGLY STRONG woman you are--i am so floored at your determination to have a home birth...GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!

btw, my placenta didn't separate with jack & OB had to manually remove it but i'd had an epidural (thank God) so it was only moderately sorry you had to make that trip to the hospital :cry:

jack 05.19.04, mild HG
tucker 01.04.06, upper moderate HG, 5w5d to delivery at 36 wks
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Postby AmberWest » Feb 08, 2006 12:37 am


My goodness you had quite a time of it didn't you? I'm so sorry that you had to go to the hospital with a complication. Though still, I'm so very happy you were at least given your home birth. :D I hope you are feeling a bit better by now. I still feel like I've been beaten with sticks, but heck, at least we're not throwing up anymore. :wink:

I'm very proud of you sweetie, you've done such a wonderful job! Well done! :D
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Postby shearn01 » Feb 10, 2006 4:45 pm

Yeah Natalie!! Congrats on such a handsome sounding baby. Sorry other things went awry, but hey..we're used to not so normal.
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Postby bibliojo » Feb 10, 2006 11:27 pm

Good work Natalie! :D You survived being pregnant and you got your home birth after all. Even despite having that complication at the end, it was probably better than Bethy's labour and delivery, right?

I'm very proud of you!

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