No Maternity Leave

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No Maternity Leave

Postby Proudmama » Dec 30, 2005 6:01 pm

I am so very stressed right now :cry: . Where I work, there is no maternity leave. You can use your accrued annual leave and sick leave but if you run out then nothing. My very understanding boss contacted the right people to get confirmation on something called a Leave Donor Program. Apparently, since I have used one month of leave due to HG at the beginning of my pregnancy, it does not count toward the birth of my baby. If I wanted to apply for the Leave Donor Program, I can only use 6 weeks of leave for a natural birth or 8 weeks of leave for a c-section. I wanted to take 12 weeks off. I guess I might have to do the leave without pay but that will make money very tight. I am happy to have a very understanding boss that said we have some time to come up with other options but I am still stressed. I do not want to just take off 8 weeks but I might have to do that. Anyone else with a problem similar to this?

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Postby Jolene » Dec 31, 2005 1:58 pm

Where do you work? Isn't that against the law?
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Postby Proudmama » Dec 31, 2005 4:07 pm

You are going to laugh when you hear where I work. I will PM you or any of the other ladies who are interested but do not want to post it. I am just funny about that one :D . Anyway, since you can use all of your sick leave and annual leave, they feel it is enough. I guess any complications that occur, such as HG, does not count :roll: .

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Postby aaronsmommy » Dec 31, 2005 5:19 pm

It sounds like you work for a big company. If you do, you may qualify for FMLA time which is 12 weeks. You do not get paid, but they do have to continue your benefits if you get them. Some companies count your disability towards your FMLA time, some don't. The thing is, they have to tell you that you are using FMLA time in order for the time to count against the 12 weeks you are entitled to.

You can find out if you qualify here

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Postby Proudmama » Dec 31, 2005 5:52 pm

Thanks for replying. I really appreciate it. I do think I will end up applying for the FMLA but not getting paid will really be hard. I am the breadwinner in our household and we also get our benefits from my job as well. I will have to find out if I need to cover my premiums though. I read that some places will keep the benefits going but you must cover your premiums :roll: . It is always a hassle whenever I go at something.

Thanks again,
DS born 2004-HG (Week 6-Week 20)
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Postby aaronsmommy » Dec 31, 2005 5:58 pm

The employer needs to keep the benefits active on the same terms as if you were working. So, if they pay everything now, then they need to keep paying everything while you are one leave. If you pay a portion, then you need to keep paying that amount.

If you don't go back to work, then you need to pay them back for the benefits, but that doesn't sound like what you are planning.

I ended up getting fired, so I didn't have to deal with maternity leave after the baby, but I was planning to go back at 8 weeks, and it made me so sad!

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Postby Proudmama » Dec 31, 2005 6:12 pm

Oh Aimee, I am so sorry to hear that they fired you. That is terrible.

Thank you for clearing that up for me. I do have to pay a portion of the benefits and it adds up fast. We have very good benefits and they cost. I pay a substantial amount every two weeks. I believe we can handle that though. Keeping fingers (and toes) crossed that everything works out.

Thanks Again,
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Postby mammaclare » Jan 15, 2006 9:00 am

It is pretty normal for companies to only pay the first 6 or 8 weeks of leave. Also, it is very normal for them to count the medical leave towards FMLA. I had 16 weeks off for HG and that meant I only had a 6 week mat leave.

It sucked but in the end I felt very lucky to still have a job and that my Zofran was covered my whole PG. so many women here have it a lot worse. I know how hard it is to not have the picture perfect pregnancy and then not get the leave you expected either. I don't have a solution, but I can sympathize.
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Postby JennyK » Jan 16, 2006 12:37 pm


I was in the same boat as you with #1. I used up all my accrued sick and vacation leave, as well as the maximum amount of donated leave I was permitted, during pregnancy. My maternity leave, which was all of three weeks, was unpaid. I couldn't afford any more unpaid leave. I am the breadwinner, too. At 3 weeks I returned to work half time for a couple weeks, then full time. It was hell. My boss was really nice about it, but there was no changing the rules. (I worked for state government.)

One thing you can do is get AFLAC insurance. They will pay for 6 weeks post partum, a little longer for a c-section. Plus, you'd be covered if you have to miss more work (or go part-time) because of HG. There is a one-week waiting period for benefits, so in reality you'd only get 5 weeks paid. PM me if you want more details. AFLAC is my saving grace financially if I get HG again this time.

Jolene, state laws vary, but in general there is no requirement that employers give PAID maternity leave. I'm guessing most states require "reasonable" UNPAID leave after birth, which usually means 6 weeks. It's barbaric in my opinion. This system is a remnant from when men were breadwinners and women did not do paid work.
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Postby JennyK » Jan 16, 2006 12:40 pm


It just occurred to me that they would probably NOT cover you for HG since you already have it, but I think they would still cover you for your time post partum. HG is specifically covered by AFLAC, but not if you've had it in the last 12 months. :(
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Postby Proudmama » Jan 16, 2006 11:50 pm

Thanks for your reply. DH and I have been trying to work things out so that we can do this without going bankrupt :lol: . My boss has come up with something that might help. He suggested that I take one day of LWOP each week I am off. This way, I will still get a paycheck. DH and I are going to go with that option. I am still determined to take off 12 weeks so we shall see how that goes. DH said he will go back to work full-time at his old job (which he now is working part-time at) if his real estate career is not going well. He is being so sweet about everything. He even figured out that with my raise I will be getting in a couple of months, working four days a week and one without pay will give almost the same amount of money as my current salary at five days per week :D . At least that is one good thing to think about and hope it works out. If something happens that I can only take eight weeks then that is what I will do but I hope it does not come to that one. Thanks again for your reply. It is nice to know that others are/have gone through a similar situation.

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Postby JennyK » Jan 16, 2006 11:54 pm

Jamie, you'll get through it even if you don't get to take your 12 weeks. I hope I'll get 12 weeks too this time, but I'm not going to bring that up with my employer for a looong time. (I'm only 5 weeks.) I'm sorry you're in such a crappy situation, but I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem too!
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Postby jesspinky1 » May 22, 2006 11:09 am

I will probably lose my job when its time to have my baby. I have already used most of my FMLA to cover the time I am off for the hg. I can apply for a leave of absence, but its not guaranteed that it would be approved.
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Postby krisalis » Jun 20, 2006 7:32 pm

Man, I read these posts and I'm just shocked! I can't believe the world's richest country has such crappy provisions for the women who are mothering the next generation.

I know Canada is a bit extreme with the 52 weeks off but even 6 months like we used to have would be reasonable.

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Postby nomore » Jun 20, 2006 8:57 pm


The US has a HORRID system in place for maternity leave. Your 100% right. Its so sad so many women are forced back to work so quickly. In fact, its the primary reason BFing is so short lived here. Many women give up after going to work. Sadly, I dont think this is going to change any time soon.

Some European Countries have AMAZING maternity benefits. I think it was Germany (I might be wrong) that gives something like 5 years???? IF all my family and friends wernt here, Im pretty sure Id think about exploring other countries. The US isnt real wonderful in my eyes. Corse, not to debate politics, but then again, Im not GW's biggest fan either :roll:

All mothers deserve more time than we get here. I lost my job when prego with my 1st born due to HG. THe last time, I quit in my 1st trimester at like 11 weeks when I knew I wasnt going to be able to go back. Im lucky, as we get by with just DH's income, but, we certainly could use more income at some point. Im hoping to hold out till Katie turns one, then go back per diem (as needed, on call basis) to my old job.
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