Tubal versus IUD?

Moms with HG in their 3rd trimester.

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Tubal versus IUD?

Postby acorn26 » Jul 04, 2007 4:27 pm

I'd be interested to hear what your docs are saying about this....

At my last appt, I brought up my "planned" tubal. My DH was there too. I asked the doc what is the safest, least invasive procedure for insuring no more HG! I made it clear that I cannot get pregnant again, as I cannot handle it again, and I don't see termination in my future (it's not even something I want to think about).

He said emphatically:

1) Your DH should have a vastectomy :shock: :D :D
What's priceless?: The look on DH's face.

2) An IUD
He said very safe, very effective, and no risk of any kinds of cancer associated with it

3) A Tubal
He said a tubal is major surgery and considered invasive. He was not trying to talk me out of it but said he thought an IUD was really the best thing and that he is pushing them because he really believes in their effectiveness.

So, now I am leaning towards an IUD. Count #1 out, since DH wouldn't do it. {{{MEN}}}.

What are your docs saying? Also, I wouldn't mind hearing from others who may have had a tubal or use IUD and what your experience is/has been.


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