Update! Meet the Second Trimester Moderators

Moms with HG in their 2nd trimester.

Moderators: JennyK, txmomma, Atsie, Cin

Update! Meet the Second Trimester Moderators

Postby Atsie » Nov 23, 2006 6:21 am

This thread is an updated introduction to the moderators of the second trimester folder.

Introducing Cindy

Hello, ladies. My name is Cindy, also known as Cin here at HER. I've been moderator the second trimester folder since 2007. I'm 35, have four children, and live in British Columbia, Canada.

Considering my story, it seems rather appropriate I'm moderating second tri. My first HG started during the second trimester of my fourth pregnancy.

I'd already had three pregnancies and two beautiful sons. I had "bad" nausea and vomiting in pregnancy with the boys -- I was a public puker once a month, and was nauseated off and on for all 9 months. I thought I was "soooooo sick." Yes, I was a fluffy bunny!

My pg with Naomi started the same -- survived well with Diclectin and sleep. And then week 14 hit, and all heck broke lose.

You all know what happened next -- or some version of it. Puking up to 14 sessions a day. Killer nausea. Dehydration. Multiple hospital visits. IVs. Lost 15 to 20 lbs. Medical leave from my job as a radio journalist. Every anti-emetic in the book. Pytalism (too much saliva). Sensitivity to sound, smell and movement.

Zofran saved me -- but I relapsed on and off for the rest of the pg. So I classify my HG as mild to moderate.

Naomi was born Aug. 2, 2006. She is now 6 years old, a strawberry blond tornado of a girl, and loves surfing, Bethany Hamilton, and her daddy.

Three years later, I planned like crazy, found a good doctor in my new city, and tried again. With pre-emptive, aggressive drug treatment (high doses of diclectin from the BFP, Zofran from about week 10, all until third trimester) I avoided IVs and gained a healthy amount of weight.

Edward Joseph, our tribute to courage and planning, was born May 22, 2010. Eddie is two and a half and is a cute little stinker.

I'm very happy to be able to help my HG sisters. Please feel free to PM me for ANYTHING, especially if you're a "late bloomer" to HG.

And -- they were both worth it. No doubt about it.

I wish you fluffiness and no relapses. Hang in there.

Mom to Alex, 10 -- NVP
Isaac, 8 -- NVP
Naomi, 6 -- HG
Edward, 2 -- avoided HG through aggressive preemptive treatment and pure luck

Introducing Erin

Hi Ladies,
My name is Erin. I live in Ottawa, Ontario. I am the mother of three beautiful girls. Jordan is 6, Cameron is 4 and Avery is 2.

With my first pg I had mild HG. . I only had a couple ER visits and one 6 day admission. I was on Diclectin. Maxeran, B6 and Zantac. From the time I got the BFP until the day I came home from the hospital I had lost 40 pounds. But at the end I had a beautiful little girl.

My second pg, it hit a lot harder. My first ER visit was at 3w6d pg. Wouldn’t you know it? It was mothers day too! The next 3 weeks I was in the ER a number of times for hydration and meds. At 7and a half weeks I was admitted for a few days. I left on peripheral IV with a PICC line scheduled to placed. I was on the PICC line until after delivery. I took Zofran, Maxeran, Diclectin, Stemitil, Colace, Lactulose, 2L of IV fluids a day mixed with gravol and Zantac through my PICC line. It may sound bad, but it has helped so much!

With my last pg I was medicated right away and had the picc line by 7 weeks. I only had a few ER visits and thanks to meds, IV and a great Dr I made it through with no addmisson until the birth!!!! Due to early intervention it was my best HG pregnancy. That and I went off on sick leave at 20 weeks pg and then took my mat leave for the full year. Well minus the six weeks of it my hubby used.

I look forward to getting to know you ladies and helping you through the second tri! If there is anything I can do to help, please PM me.

Introducing Jenny

I have two kids who are 2 and 5. With my first pregnancy I was on TPN for about a month and tried a number of meds including zofran, phenergan, reglan, thorazine, compazine and mirtazapine. The hyperemesis eased up mid-way, but I stayed sick to some degree until the end.

The second time I tried both NJ tubes (feeding tube from nose to intestines) and TPN. The meds that helped me most were zofran (in high doses, run continuously on a pump), pepcid and phenergan. I had several complications from my numerous PICC lines, including blood clots and infections. I was on either NJ feeds or TPN until delivery, switching between the two because of various complications with them.

I know the torment and fear that come with hyperemesis, but I also know it was worth it. The first time I was pregnant I was certain I'd never be willing to have a second, but look at me now!
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Joined: Aug 27, 2004 5:16 pm
Location: Ontario, Canada

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