Hanging in there

Moms with HG in their 2nd trimester.

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Hanging in there

Postby mom2matt » Aug 22, 2004 1:13 am

Thats what EVERYBODY keeps saying..and Im sure you all know the drill. Even tho I feel a little better..I still feel rotten..not gag rotten but just rotten! Im no longer on the TPN nutrition, just 10 hours of IV fluids for hydration..Either way it still means being hooked up to a pump and bag every day. Im becoming duranged with good and bad days!!!

GOOD NEWS< we had a high level ultra sound this week, and baby Adam is doing great, measured in exactly at term 18W3days!! And is completly healthy, So something must be working..WHAT a RELIEF!!!

My previa is still 100%, so my Dr said hes going to induce early rather than wait for labor...I THINK THAT means I might not be able to claim I had HG for a whole 9 months..just 8 months and a week or two..lol..

Sending calming vibes~~~
Shlby EDD 1/21/05 but really..looks like new years eve!!!
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Postby kitty_doc » Aug 22, 2004 6:15 pm

I am glad to hear that you are feeling a little better. I am 14w4d and I am feeling so tired of being sick. I have not had to do any IV's this time, but would still be grateful for having some normal days now....I was just about to post a whine about this, but after I read what some of you all go through, my pg is feeling like a breeze.....I am down to just needing Zofran once a day and only feeling crappy for half the day instead of all of it, so I AM grateful for that, but this is my 4th HG pg and I have always wishes to have a normal pg and of course, it is not to be....I have not gained any weight yet, but have not lost and that is a victory for me, so I am trying to relish the small things and not get down in the dumps, but as you all know, only someone who has been through this can understand what it is like to feel like this week after week (after week.....) I keep trying to remind DH that I feel like I have had the flu for 8 weeks and he says "uh huh" and gets to go on with his normal day and still I sit here feeling icky and tired and wondering when the tide will turn for me. I have been fortunate enough to have my symptoms resolve by 18 weeks in one of my pg, but last time it was until 34 weeks and that is what I really fear....

I am so glad to hear that your baby is doing well. I go for my Level II U/S on 9/15 and that gives me something to look forward to. Have OB appt this week and I dread him saying "well, you should be over this by now".....DUH....never have been before, why is this time different????
Julie aka Kitty Doc
Rebecca 5/17/88 mod HG 22wks
Jessica 5/24/91 mod HG 18wks
Kathryn 5/2/02 severe HG 34wks
Olivia EDD 2/14/05 mod HG from 7wks to now
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Postby MamaLily » Aug 22, 2004 8:33 pm

Shlby -

Oh, I'm so happy to hear that all is well with your little Adam. And you will be induced early? That's every HGer's fondest dream...an early delivery! :wink:

I'm sorry to hear that you are still feeling rotten. I know what it's like to be "out of the woods," but to still feel horrible. It's a good thing that these babies are worth all we go through for them!

Hope today is a better day...

- Anna
"The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over." - Aesop
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Postby MamaLily » Aug 22, 2004 8:35 pm

Julie -

My fingers are crossed that this time HG will leave by 18 weeks again. If you were lucky enough to have that happen once, who says it can't happen again?

- Anna
"The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over." - Aesop
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