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Worried because I feel too good (m)

PostPosted: Jun 22, 2004 9:25 am
by kitty_doc
I am only 5w6d, so I know it is early, but how sad is it that I am worrying that I don't feel worse....I will probably pay for this, but I really don't feel too bad right now. I have had some nausea that comes and goes, but nothing like my HG with the other pgs. Is is just too early? Right now, I am taking Zantac twice a day and 50mg B6 three times a day. I thought that that B6 made me sick last pg, but I decided to try it again this time and so far, so good. Is is possible to have 3 HG pg and not have it with a 4th? OH, how I pray......

Julie 5w6d :?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2004 12:20 pm
by cherie
I know how you feel. I am 5wks &2 days and haven't gotten sick yet. Everyone keeps asking are you sick yet. I feel stupid because I told everyone that I would be deathly sick when I get pregnant again. I am giving it another 2 wks if I am not sick by then it will be a miracle.

1993 stillborn at 20 wks with hg
1995 mc at 6 wks with hg
1996/1997 daughter with hg
EDD 2/2005

PostPosted: Jun 28, 2004 2:25 pm
by Ivydragon
Well, last week was likely too early. Being proactive does delay the onset of HG, so it's excellent news! I won't be too worried about feeling really good until after you're sick, and suddenly feel fine, and are spotting, too. Until then, you don't need to worry.

How are you feeling this week? Often HG kind of lingers in the background, and then whammies you one day. It's unlikely you'll not have HG this time.

Hugs, Andy

PostPosted: Jul 22, 2004 7:27 pm
by kellyjo

Pregnant....feeling GREAT.....extremely surprised!

This is my third pregnancy. I had HG throughout both of my previous pregnancies, and I'm feeling absolutely fine with this one...aside from being a bit tired, which is nothing compared to the constant nausea I had previoys. Not sure on a due date, but am guessing I'm approx. 8 weeks along. With my last preganacy I was on home IV therapy with Zofran by week 4...had those until I delivered.

I have two little boys and am wondering if anyone has had a different pregnancy experience in carrying boys versus girls.

I can now see why others thougth I was soooo sick with my other pregnancies. I didn't even know I was pregnant this time...whereas before I was vomitting before the test said "positive."

PostPosted: Jul 23, 2004 4:59 am
by HdGAMom2B
COngrats, and I relate to every line you wrote. This time around, I feel great, am 5 weeks pregnant, and just so happy that tihs experience so far has been joyfl, rather than devastatting. This time last pg, I was miserable, and like yuo, in the ER, on IV's the whole nine, except my insurance last time wouldn't cover the Zofran, so here I am with a bottle of the 'gold' on my dresser. This time, we're not messin' around!

COngrats on feeling great, I love to hear that! Let's continue to enjoy our days, and make the most of them.


PostPosted: Jul 23, 2004 9:55 am
by Ivydragon

As a general rule, the sex of the child doesn't make a difference in whether or not someone has HG.

BUT, and I don't think I could type that large enough, for every known "rule" (really tendencies) of HG, there is someone who breaks it ~ it lends to the whole unpredictability and mystique, and impossible to solve factors, so yeah, there are stories out there where I've heard women say they've known HGers who had HG w/ one sex of child, and not w/ the other.

What are you doing different this pg then the last pg? What circumstances are different? That is "usually" the biggest indicator of why a pg is different in a good way - proactive treatment - so I'm really curious to know if circumstances are very different compared to your previous pgs, or if things are so similar that you actually won't have HG this time by luck of nature, instead of proactive planning and action.

Huge hugs, eight weeks, huh? Keep me updated!


PostPosted: Jul 23, 2004 11:17 am
by kellyjo
To be totally honest, I'm not doing anything different. I wish I could say I was because it might provide relief for others, but we weren't even trying to get pg (my oldest just turned 3 and my younger boy will be 2 at Labor Day)

I do have a different job than with the first....but I was never streesed with that job, so I really don't think it's that.

I honestly cannot belive how fine I feel (mind you, I am experiencing a tiny bit of nausea, but it is soooo minor in comparison). With my first son, I lost 25 pounds in the first trimester...I started out at 155lbs, so I have some to lose but not a ton. I was constantly sick. With my second I was vomitting within days of conception. I knew immediately.

I don't only thought is that this baby is a girl and I'm not as vulnerable to the hormones.....who knows!!! TIme will tell! I just think that every day is a huge bonus and that if I do sick tomorrow, that's okay because we've managed through it before. And it will be shorter this time because I've had two months for feeling good.

I knew I was "sick" before but I had nothing to compare it with, and I truly understand now how terrible I had it before. And my heart goes out to every woman and family that suffers through HG.

PostPosted: Jul 23, 2004 1:19 pm
by Ivydragon
Wow, so there really are women out there who have horrible HG with some, and then no HG w/ a subsequent pg. I have to admit you are a rarity, and have caught my curiousity, lol.

Please do keep me updated on how you do, I'll be very glad to know that things continue as they are. I'm very curious to know the sex of the baby, but no doubt nearly not so much as you. :)

I know you know you are living so many HGer's dream. :D I hope you really get to enjoy it, what a special blessing. :)


PostPosted: Jul 23, 2004 2:15 pm
by kellyjo
I'll be sure to let you know how it proceeds!
Am still so astonished that I feel this good. I don't have a doctor appointment for three more weeks, which seems so odd and great to me since I usually see my doctor every week while I'm pregnant.

If there is anyone else who I can help, I'd love to!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Aug 11, 2004 7:53 pm
by kellyjo

Just found out why I was feeling so good with this pregnancy....I just miscarried. The doctor suggested that the baby probably wasn't developing correctly from the start and hence I didn't experience HG.

So, hate to share the unfortunate news, but thought I'd let you know.

PostPosted: Aug 11, 2004 8:19 pm
by BlueEeyore
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. :(

PostPosted: Aug 12, 2004 9:32 am
by Ivydragon
Oh, Kelly, I know how you feel. I was 7.5 wks pg, amazed at how well I was doing, only fighting some nausea when I began to miscarry and then was diagnosed with an ectopic pg in June of 03'. So horribly disappointing. I am so sorry for your loss. Please feel free to stick around, and post in the Stories of Grief forum. I have been surprised how long it has taken my heart to heal from our miscarriage ~ I was still suffering much grief long after my family and friends, husband included (except my HG friends) forgot the pg had even happened. Some of them have literally said, "oh, yeah" when I've brought it up in conversation.

My deepest condolences and sympathy, and my biggest hugs,


so sorry

PostPosted: Aug 12, 2004 4:14 pm
by stephanie greene
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope that you have plebty of friends and family and know you have all of us who will be hinking of you and willing to listen. I had a m/c in March and it was a strange situation but I had thought I was pg because I felt bad and then got my period and the nausea faded a few weeks later I started to miscarry. I was told the same thing that the baby probably wasn't growing properly. I know everything people offer now doesn't help your pain but in time I hope you wil heal. Thank you for sharing your news with us. we are here for good and bad.

Stephanie Greene