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Global Issue

PostPosted: Feb 27, 2007 6:08 am
by 62Katrina
Hi Dr Phil, I watch your show whenever I can in Australia and I am very excited that finally someone is giving this condition the awareness it deserves. I only wish we had such opportunities in Australia!

In one of many hospital stays I made friends with a few other sufferers, we had many differences such as nationality, age, religion. We also had the same common issues that all Hyper emesis patients encounter such as, Depression, Financial Hardship, Anxiety, Frustration and finally helplessness.....

I lost my 2nd child to hyper emesis, yet I did not initially feel the expected remorse, instead it was relief of an all consuming condition that affected my immediate family and friends. I can now mourn the loss of that child and the realisation that here will be no more due to pressures on my family, finances and the medical risks involved. Sometimes I dream that I could get through with the right emotional and medical help not to mention financial acknowledgement for the Leave required during as well as after pregnancy, specialist care and large costs associated with medications.

I am not sure of the status in the US, but in Australia there are Government campaigns asking families to have another child even if it is just for the country ( to sustain our aging population). I would love to throw my hat into this challenge but without awareness and subsequent support from my government and medical profession I am unable to even consider the option.

Your commitment to raising awareness of this debilitating condition (for families and friends as well, both my husband and son were also hospitalised with stress related conditions) is a huge step for all of us and we thank you. Fingers crossed the message will reach the sunny shores of down under.

Kind Regards
Katrina Eadie
Dee Why Beach