Thank You! My HG Story

The HER foundation contributed letters from our forums members for a show that featured Hyperemesis as a topic. The show aired in April of 2007.

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Thank You! My HG Story

Postby NNicole » Feb 26, 2007 6:35 pm

Thank you so much for doing this show about HG!

This is my first HG Pregnancy I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks and 2 days later I started getting sick. At first I was sick occasionaly then it just got worse and worse until I got to the point I could't keep anything down. I was started on one medication and it worked for a few days and then I was sick again switched to a new medication and a few days later started getting sick. At this time I was put in the hopsital for fluids and started on a new medication again. I worked but I would still get sick maybe 5 times a day. This happened for a few days then it just got worse and worse until I was throwing up every 20 minutes. I was back in the hopsital 3 days later and given IV medications which helped. I had a saline lock for about a week but was unable to keep them in for more then a few days so the gave my a PICC I was at about 9 weeks when I got this put in. I was able to eat while having a PICC line and go back to work, but the emotional toll it took on me was at its worst. I would lay on the floor and cry just wishing I would have a misscarry. I thought I was a horrible person for thinking this. I was mad at God for making me have HG I was made at my husband for getting me pregnant and I was made at myself for thinking I should have a child. I thought I was being punished for something. I ended up in the hospital 5 days after getting my PICC line in because they thought it was infected. The doctor wanted to pull the line and start me on a different oral medications and I just started sobbing. I new that if he took the PICC out I would just get sick again. The IV medications were the only things that gave me relief. The Dr. decided to keep the PICC in and see how the line looked the next day. He let me keep it in! :) I started seeing a counselor the next week for depression and that week I also found this site and relized that I wasn't alone, and the thoughts of depression I was having were normal with people with HG. I like to think this site saved my babies life. I had never thought I would have an abortion prior to HG but I considered it while pregnant.
Right now I am 31 weeks and have been able to get my PICC line out at about 24 weeks and switch back to oral meds. I still have the nausea that lasts most of the day. Compared to what some of these women are going threw I would say I have a mild case of HG. I can't imagine what some of these women are going threw. I think they have to be angels!
Devoted to You
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