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Thank you

PostPosted: Feb 26, 2007 1:56 am
by caleighbelle47
Thank you so much for including a segment on hyperemesis gravidarum on your show. I've suffered through two hg pregnancies and before getting it had never even heard of it.

I dreamed of having kids my whole life and looked forward to being pregnant. However a week after finding out I was pregnant I woke up violently ill and thought I was dying. I thought that's what morning sickness was and was made to believe I was weaker than everyone else because I couldn't handle it. I was asked at every appointment if I was sure I didn't have an eating disorder. I suffered in silence as no one understood and I could never have done it without the support I found here at the HER Foundation.

I've seen this disease do awful things. It nearly ended my marriage, it will limit the size of my family. It's about time the world starts acknowledging it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

PostPosted: Feb 28, 2007 1:23 am
by IslandDreamer

You may not offer specific details here (as you state in another post), but what you say has tremendous tremendous power. There is passion and heartache and strength in your words, in your tone. This is excellent.

PostPosted: Feb 28, 2007 1:26 am
by caleighbelle47
Thanks Suzanne.