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PostPosted: May 02, 2007 5:34 am
by HelenA
Sooooo TRUE! We had a weekend away when pg with Kimi but I spent the whole time in bed and only left the house once. I don't class that as a vacation.

TWBM has plans for a big purchase soon (house, car or something major)

PostPosted: May 02, 2007 5:40 am
by mmichelle
Not sure - we would love to buy a house, but the market here in California is horrible and super expensive, we have talked about trading in our Outlander for another larger SUV....all of this dependent on DH promotion.

TWBM - has taken medication in the last 12 hours

PostPosted: May 02, 2007 5:45 am
by HelenA
Yup guilty. Actually in the last hour.

TWBM is reading a book right now (well not this second)

PostPosted: May 02, 2007 5:57 am
by mmichelle
False... I finished it before I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 2...maybe I should have set that book aside until dh got home since it gave me bad dreams. I love James Patterson's books but I know I shouldn't read them when home alone!

TWBM - would like to skip summer and go straight to fall.

PostPosted: May 04, 2007 11:35 am
by jackie
False-I love summer when not pg

TWBM likes to swim

PostPosted: May 04, 2007 1:34 pm
by *my3sons*
True - I love to swim. I love the water period!

TWBM has blonde hair and blue eyes.

PostPosted: May 04, 2007 1:52 pm
by C&G'sMommy
I wish I did actually but no brown and Hazel/Light Brown

TWBM is done having children because of HG

PostPosted: May 04, 2007 5:06 pm
by jackie
True-well, at leat for now :roll: (no dh)

PostPosted: May 05, 2007 10:30 pm
by C&G'sMommy
Jackie you need a TWBM... silly

PostPosted: May 06, 2007 9:05 am
by jackie
:roll: I am slow!

TWBM gets snow every winter.

PostPosted: May 06, 2007 11:05 am
by C&G'sMommy
Nope, but I wish sometimes.

TWBM has allergies in spring time.

PostPosted: May 06, 2007 2:15 pm
by jackie

TWBM has blond hair

PostPosted: May 06, 2007 5:18 pm
by mmichelle
True has been getting darker lately and not keeping up the highlights because of the pg doesn't help.

TWBM can't function without a cup of coffee in the morning.

PostPosted: May 06, 2007 6:58 pm
by jackie
False-it used to be Frappuccino, but not on my new diet.

TWBM plucks her eyebrows instead of waxing them

PostPosted: May 06, 2007 8:18 pm
by C&G'sMommy
I actually do both when I'm not HGing right now I don't care...

TWBM watches Grey's Anatomy

PostPosted: May 07, 2007 4:14 pm
by JPSmomma

TWBM has had her gall bladder removed.

PostPosted: May 07, 2007 11:03 pm
by *my3sons*
Nope, still got it......don't know how, my sisters don't have theirs and they did NOT have HG. I had HG but kept mine. Go figure!

Ummmm, the woman below me has a red front door on her home.


PostPosted: May 08, 2007 10:02 am
by jwinning221
true..painted it last fall.

TWBM...loves to garden


PostPosted: May 08, 2007 6:48 pm
by mmichelle
False...well I have never had a garden so I can't really answer that truthfully. Living in an apartment most of my life hasn't given me much opportunity for a garden.

TWBM - would consider herself a tom boy.

PostPosted: May 08, 2007 9:55 pm
by jwinning221
False...too much of a girlie girl.

TWBM..loves football