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B6 ?

PostPosted: Jul 17, 2004 1:55 pm
by stephanie greene
HI friends,

How much B6 should I be taking now...TTC next month? It;s been three years since I took the unisom/b6 combo and I can't remember the maximum dosage.
thanks a bunch!

PostPosted: Jul 28, 2004 8:27 am
by PamelaRose
100 mg B6 right now is standard, then up to 150 when you get pregnant.

Good luck! :)

PostPosted: Jul 29, 2004 11:47 am
by Brenda

I will be TTC next month too!! Maybe we will be pregnant at the same time!!!

Good Luck to you!!!

Are you nervous???

I am extremely nervous. I went to my OB/Gyn for a check up yesterday and she was great during my pregnancy so I was so confident with her. But yesterday when we discussed me TTC she told me "Maybe you won't get it again" I just about died. I thought she was so informed about HG. I asked her what she thought the percentage was and she said 50/50. I just about cried right there. Maybe I am over reacting but now I just feel like she is kinda clueless.

I'd love to e-mail with you!!


PostPosted: Jul 29, 2004 4:53 pm
by stephanie greene
Thank you for your reply. I have read even on this website that the chance is 50% of women will experience HG again. Don't give up on your Dr yet. You asked what else I am doing to prepare... PRAYING. smile I would love to email too! I am not great about checking everyday but do get online several times a week. What else are you doing? I am feeling pretty prepared with friends lines up to help and several discussions with my husband and my dr. we have a protocol that I feel comfortable with in place. The first time I was pg we just thought it was morning sickness and so I got really sick and dehydrated before we figured out what it was. this time we will almost be proactive. email me and we an chat more:)


PostPosted: Jul 31, 2004 10:46 am
by RebeccaM
Does anyone else have any info or insight on the 50% recurrence rate of HG?

I, too, read it here on the sight, but I find it very hard to believe. The only HGers I know are through this website, but of the many (over 100) stories I've read here, I only recall about 5-10 that have NOT experienced HG with every pregnancy. That's a far cry from 50%. So just wondering if anyone has additional insight.

PostPosted: Aug 01, 2004 4:38 pm
by HdGAMom2B
I was browing this board, and wanted to reply to the Percentage for reoccurance of HG. I was also told by my doctor, maybe it won't come back, WHILE having the conversation about protocol. Any doctor that belives it will absolutely come back every time, isn't informed on the current percentages. So, in light of the fact that your doc mentioned the occurance possibilities, I wouldn't consider him misinformed because he has a glimmer of hope for you. (someone being optimistic isn't uneducated, they are edifying you, not denying your chances of being sick)

We are 7 weeks pg, 2nd pg, and I haven't been sick yet at all. I tell you, it is refreshing for my doctor to be happy for me, and to be proactive to treat the first sign of nausea.. but hearing her tell me that she'd love to hear that I didn't get sick at all... I wanted to hear that She had hope for us. I pray that you are free of the HG this time and that your protocol is kindling in the end.

Blessings on TTC!


B6 and other prep

PostPosted: Aug 06, 2004 10:37 am
by tris
I am planning on TTC in the next few months. I had HG with the works last time: All the meds, IV drips, TPN until 34 weeks. I am hoping to avoid at least the TPN this time. I have just started a prenatal vitamin with 20mg B6. When do you girls think I should increase the dose to 100mg? Any other suggestions?