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Daily updates Monday 5/21

PostPosted: May 21, 2007 6:55 am
by helpme1277
Hey ladies how are you? Well me I am 30 weeks today..However I feel like I got hit by a train :verygreen: :verygreen: . I am telling you as the time goes on my hg is getting worse. I feel like I am almost back in first tri stages :evil: .....and we know what that stage is. Im back to vomiting everyday several times. I have been off my meds for months now so maybe I need my zofran again. I am going to my NEW obgyn today at 10am so we will see how that works out hopefully she is good and willing to induce. I will keep u posted.

hope all of you ladies are well today!!

Sara{p. hood} where have u been????????????

PostPosted: May 21, 2007 7:07 am
by jmom
Nikki I hope your OB appt today is a great success.
I have an A/C repairman coming today. Last night I slept on the couch where is was slightly cooler. Very mad at DH for blowing me off all evening when I said I was hot and something was wrong. OK he did change the filter and it was clogged but something else is wrong too because that didn't help at all. I don't know about you but I don't just want it cool in my house at night I want it COLD-due to my hormones.
Trying to figure out tomorrow. DD is supposed to have an end of the school year picnic in 88 degree weather at 10-12 at a park. Could be too much for me. My feet are swollen even in the morning now.
I have my 36 weeks OB appt tomorrow at 1. Guess I'll have to take DD since she will be done with school.

PostPosted: May 21, 2007 7:22 am
by sonie716
I am sorry hugs ladies.

Well I am offically 40weeks and 6 days. A few contractions yesterday morning but they petered out. Today dh went back to work till I call him home when the baby finally comes. Then he gets 4weeks off. So its back to housework for me and boy wonder.

PostPosted: May 21, 2007 7:22 am
by 3sEnough
Nikki - Hope your new OB is educated on HG and is able to help you with your symptoms in an aggressive manner. You have suffered more than enough.

Well, I'm actually enduring something worse than HG right now (at least for me, that is). My fall on Saturday has done a number on me. My knee hurts so much. I have my ob appt today at 2:40/cst and then Preston has his vaccination appt at 4:00/cst. Hopefully I can get through the day without further injury. BTW, I almost fell 3 times last night. It's like a stubbed toe. Once you have hit it, you keep knocking it into things.

PostPosted: May 21, 2007 10:09 am
by m.ij05
I'm sorry about your fall! :( I have such a hard time keeping my balance right now. I'm always worried about falling myself.

Nikki- Ugh! First tri was sooo hard. I certainly hope that your new doc can get you feeling better asap.

Cristy- Hot weather is my enemy too. Maybe, just maybe you'll have cooler temps for the picnic. :wink:

Casondra- You're at the tail end now! I can't wait to see you post in the birth announcement forum. :D

I've had pretty good days lately. I'm going through a stage where I just keep eating and eating. I feel like just pulling up a chair to the fridge! At least my cravings are mostly healthy. I have no big plans today just a little house cleaning.

PostPosted: May 21, 2007 12:07 pm
by kyatksn
Good afternoon ladies.

Nikki, I hope your appt. goes well w/ the new OB and that s/he can get you back on some medications to make it through this last stretch. You have had enough!!

Christy, glad that the A/C guys were able to get there today. As bad as it is to be w/ out air there are times that they get so busy that they can't squeeze you in for days. I hope it gets fixed and that you sleep well tonight.

Casondra- You have got to be going nuts hoping that every day will be "the day". Good luck!!

Christy- I am so sorry to hear that you are still hurting from the fall. Are you able to at least take some Tylenol and put your legs up?

Ingrid- Glad to hear that you are eating. That is wonderful!!

I am ok today. I have the much anticipated appointment w/ the cardiologist at 2:50 this afternoon (central time). I am anxious to hear what he has to say. I am really hoping that they found something and I get some answers. Not that I am hoping that something is wrong, but I would rather know what it is than just keep having this happen w/ no known reason.

Sounds like most of us have appts. today. Please update when you get home!!

PostPosted: May 21, 2007 4:04 pm
by C&G'sMommy
I'm not having a good day... ive been :sickfast: ever since I woke up. I'm having a lot of ctx today and will probably end up in L&D if they don't slow down. But I don't feel as depressed as I have been, just more emotional, but I'll take crying over wanting this all to end anyday.

Hope you all are having a good day.